Kamis, 17 November 2016

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MUHAMMAD ALI 1942-2016


Preaching nonviolence outside the ring while wielding fists of fury inside it, the 3-time world heavyweight champ inspired a generation.

As Muhammad Ali approached the final round, surrounded by his children and grandchildren ina Arizona hospital, the medical equipment keeping him alive began chiming. He was looking for a way to make the mood more comical and stop us crying. I felt he rang that bell on purpose, and then we all burs into tears again. The official cause of death was septic shock the result of an infection that spread throughtout his body and caused vital organs to shut down.

Tributes poured in as quickly as the news of Ali's death spread. President Obama praised him as "a man who fought for what right, "quoting the former boxer when he declared," I'am America. I am the part you wont recoqnize. But get used to me; black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours, my religion, not yours, mygoals, my own. Get used to me. "Paul McCartney called Ali "a beautiful, gentle man with a great senseof humor," Martin Luther King butin his own direct, forceful manner. "People were shocked tthat Ali, this black Muslim,could articulate these thoughts that we look  at today and say, well, of course.

Most remember Alias a man of the people, no matterhis contentinous nature. As friend Lionel Richie tells People, He would take it upon himself tobe immersed in people. I even said to him, "Aren't you worried about peoplebothering you?" He said "No, they like me. The people will protect me." Rising up after a knockdown defined Ali, cheered as an Olympic and Professional boxer, reviled as a draft evader and beloved on seven continets asa champion of civil rights and compasion.

1. Nonviolence = Anti kekerasan
2. Infection = Infeksi
3. Preaching = Khotbah
4. Chiming = Denting
5. Inevitable = Terelakkan
6. Espousing = Mengemban
7. Forceful = Kuat
8. Immersed = Ynag terbenam
9. Bothering= Menganggu
10. Evader = Pengelak
11. Heavyweight =  Kelas Berat
12. Disease = Penyakit
13. Principles = Prinsip
14. Threw = Ciri Khas
15. Wandered = Mengembara
16. Themselves = Diri
17. Fought = Berjuang
18. Guard = Menjaga
19. Affairs = Urusan
20. Curtain = Tirai

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