Sabtu, 24 September 2016

I chose this photo because going on vacation to a certain point it is my hobby. By going on holiday we can feel calm and at the same time enjoy the view on where we're going. The photos were taken about 1 month ago on the island lemukutan located in Bengkayang, West Kalimantan. When I go out with my friends totaling 12 people. It could be said that a number of very many not? We went on a motorbike from pontianak headed to the island lemukutan. Journey to get there is approximately 4-5 hours, not really an exhausting trip.
The holiday was we want to suddenly and without adequate equipment. Even so we still rejoice enjoyed the atmosphere and the scenery on the island lemukutan. On the island lemukutan we can also see the coral, jellyfish and fish are very beautiful, it's amazing. Although the holiday lasted only two days, but the holiday was very memorable for me. Weather instantly became dark was filled with black clouds and rain began to inundate the ship that we were riding. 
On her way to the return boat that we were experiencing shaky. That is because the waves were high. One by one my friends began drinking especially women friends. They are no longer able to hold back the nausea they experience. I saw it also began to nausea, but not vomiting as they were.
That piece of my story on holiday with my friends. May be useful for you who read.

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